Car Theory Venlo
Good driver training begins with theory. Our theory courses guarantee a good exam result. We are happy to guide you to the theory exam.
We conduct our theory classes using tablets that we use for taking practice exams. With us, you have the choice of a regular or crash theory course.
A theory certificate is valid for 1.5 years from the date of issue and can be obtained as early as your 16th birthday.
You must have a theory certificate to participate in an intermediate test and/or the practical exam at the CBR. Any candidate who takes a course with us can attend the next course free of charge until the exam is passed.
The theory exam for the passenger car consists of three parts:
1. Hazard recognition
Is about recognizing danger and what to do in a situation.
2. Knowledge
Here you demonstrate the ability to recognize and name facts and rules.
3. Insight
Here you show that you can apply rules and make correct decisions.
Starting dates for subsequent theory courses:
Regular course: 7 class evenings + theory exam (3.5 weeks)
Crash course: 3 course days + theory exam (1 week)
Starting dates for subsequent theory courses:
Due to the changes regarding enhanced measures Corona , please contact our office for the dates and times of the next Car Theory Courses.
What kind of questions will you get during your theory exam?
In the theory exam for car, motorcycle and moped, you will encounter different types of questions. These may include:
- the drag question;
- the single-sleep question;
- the fill-in-the-blank question;
- the hotspot question;
- the yes/no question;
- the multiple-choice question.
Want to know what these questions look like? Look here for an example of each type of question.
The video below shows all the steps you need to take at the exam center.
Do you need guidance for theory?
Please feel free to contact us!